DUTCH [VOA-islam.com] - should be kept in mind this important news for smokers who are allergic to smoking haram fatwa. A scientific study revealed, that of a pig's body turned out to be processed into 185 products, among which are to cigarettes.
The discovery of the use of pig's blood in the manufacture of cigarette filters found in the Dutch researchers, Christien Meindertsma, unintentionally. This woman actually was researching a pig is coded "05049th Pig" on a farm in the Netherlands.
On his personal page, Meindertsma states have been researching for three years all products produced from such a pig. Research results were then recorded, complete with charts and pictures of products, and then exhibited in an exhibition.
Simple goal, to show people how a product is made and "wrapped" and where he came from, so people can know. To show that, subject to Meindertsma approaching a scale of one animal in this case a pig named "Pig 05049th."
... Meindertsma noted that the pig's body into 185 different products! Starting from cigarettes, powder, paint, chewing gum, porcelain, yogurt, cosmetics, conditioners, until biodiesel. Not to forget Meindertsma display product photos ....
After the death of the pigs, his body was shipped in pieces to the corners of the world. Some parts remained in its original form and function (as meat), some of them changed dramatically.
Meindertsma follow the product, ranging from companies that handle the dead animal to a small company that produces something to use part of the body. The woman noted that the pig's body into 185 different products! Starting from cigarettes, powder, soap, medicine, photo paper, heart valves, car paints, chewing gum, porcelain, yogurt, marshmellow, cosmetics, conditioners, until biodiesel. Not to forget Meindertsma display product photos.
What lessons learned women from the Rotterdam this? "There are many stages between raw materials and finished product in the modern commercial production. Because many stages, the knowledge disappears. For example, pig farmers do not know all the final products made from their pigs because they do not know where the pigs were brought to," said the 29 women Design Academy Eindhoven graduate year's.
Meindertsma also now choose products that are produced locally. Dutch-made sweater now, no longer New Zealand.
And persistence led to an award Meindertsma: Index Award in 2009. And his research was also rolled into sensitive questions: the unfolding of 185 products containing pork and Jews forbidden by Islam.
There's Blood in Pig Cigarette Filters
On a separate occasion, a researcher at the Australian launch of research on cigarettes that allegedly contains pig's blood. The content of pork is forbidden by Muslims is found in cigarette filters.
Professor of Public Health, University of Sydney, Simon Chapman, pointed to recent research that identifies the use of section 185 of the pigs, including in the manufacture of cigarette filters. These findings, told News.com.au Chapman said, could have an impact on the Islamic and Jewish groups.
... Recent research identifies the use of section 185 of the pigs, including in the manufacture of cigarette filters ...
"The Jewish community will obviously assess this issue very seriously and the Islamic community will judge it very disturbing," said Chapman, Wednesday, March 31, 2010.
This discovery, says Chapman, who opened the dilapidated tobacco industry is not required to include in the composition of cigarettes. "They said," this is our business and a trade secret. "
This pig's blood, said Chapman, found at least one of their cigarettes sold in Greece. Ascertained pig blood used in making cigarettes.
A study in the Netherlands found a pig's blood was used to make filters more effective capture harmful chemicals before the smoke went into my throat. That is, these findings clearly do not apply to cigarettes that do not use filters.
MUI: If Containing Pigs, Cigarettes Haram Absolute
Responding to the findings of research in the Netherlands about the presence of hemoglobin in pigs in the cigarette filter, directly into studies scholars in various countries. If the filters of cigarettes in Indonesia contain the same ingredients, the Indonesian Ulema Council ready to declare an absolute bastard.
"If a cigarette with a filter from the pig's blood would absolutely forbidden," said Chairman of the MUI Ma'ruf Amin, Thursday (1/4/2010).
Related to the latest research findings, the MUI will soon be soliciting input from various parties. "We will ask for input many parties who can explain this," he explained.
According Ma'ruf, the results of the Ulema astral conjunction MUI concluded smoking is deviation. This means that smoking is in the middle between positions Makruh and unlawful. Ulama have agreed to proscribe smoking in 3 situations.
"What's done is forbidden to smoke in public places, smoking for pregnant women, and smoking to children," concluded Ma'ruf. [Taz / viva]
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