Burning Quran endanger U.S. troops in Afghanistan Tuesday, September 7, 2010 11:07 AM

U.S. Afghan war commander, General David Petraeus, warned that the lives of U.S. soldiers would be dangerous if the evangelical church Florida will implement his plan to burn the Koran holy book at the commemoration of 9 / 11 Saturday.

Petraeus said the plan to burn the sacred book of Muslims would be a propaganda coup for the Taliban in Afghanistan and inciting anti-US sentiment throughout the Muslim world.

Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida said it plans to burn the Koran at the end of this week in an air raid warning to the 11 September-9 to protest what they call "Islamic criminals."

In an interview with "Wall Street Journal" on Tuesday, Petraeus said the event: "will endanger the lives of soldiers and it will also endanger all our efforts."
"Exactly the kind of action that will be used the Taliban and will cause severe problems. Not only here, but also anywhere in the world we are involved with the Islamic community," he said.

Plan protest by 50 members of the evangelical church - that in the page Facebooknya bermotto "Islam is Evil" - that has sparked outrage in Indonesia, the largest Muslim majority country in the world.

At the end of August about 100 Indonesian Muslims demonstrated outside the U.S. embassy in Jakarta and threatened "jihad" or holy war if U.S. Christian group doing that.

Allegations of Quran abuse by U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq has become a burning issue in some time ago, including when a U.S. soldier deployed to Iraq a full copy of the holy book with bullets in the year 2008.

As a result demonstrations conducted about 2,000 people in central Afghanistan become an arena of violence, and a Lithuanian soldier and two civilians were killed in the crossfire between protestors and police. Florida church pastor, Terry Jones, said the concerns of Petraeus was "legitimate".

But in a statement to the WSJ, he added: "We must send a clear message to the radical elements of Islam. We will no longer be controlled and dominated by fear and threats to them."

Interviewed by the AFP in July, Jones said: "Islam and Sharia law is responsible for the attack 9 / 11." "We will burn the Koran because we think it is time for Christians, to the churches, for politicians to stand up and say no; Islam and sharia law is not welcomed in the United States."


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